Thursday, February 5, 2009

Craig Kucia

Listened to a lecture by Miami painter Craig Kucia yesterday:

"The Apple Orchard", 2007, Oil on Canvas, 48"x48"

"Nearly Everything I Have Is In It, And Is Still Not Full", 2006, Oil on Canvas, 102" x 126"

Although he claims not to be so his work does share many elements of pop surrealism (my sworn enemies) so hearing him explain his work softened me to this type of subject matter in general. Also I'm highly anti symbolism in my own work and he revels in the use of symbols and the possibility of multiple interpretations that could vary from his original intentions, which I found incredibly interesting. I was extremely impressed by his technical abilities and use of impasto (which unfortunately you can't see at all in these photographs), often the paint is built up heavily in very small specific areas but from afar the forms often meld into believable realism (I would love to have the chance to see his work in person). Overall, his extreme contrast between his art and my views of what good art should be was very interesting and changed my views on a number of issues.

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