Saturday, May 10, 2008


A very interesting story I read on an art forum posted by Nathan Christie (I've taken the liberty to clean up the internet speak into proper grammar so this is not his actual words but rather the same general sentiment of the anecdote):

So my wallet got stolen April 9th, and i couldn't replace anything for a while (finally got access to my bank account today) because I had no documents. I was thinking about how everyone was good to me and gave me food and shit over the last month, so I decided to get this homeless guy a coffee. We sat down and got to talking on the sidewalk on 14th and Starbucks.

This girl comes by... and... starts to take the homeless man's picture and he asks, "What the heck are you doing?" So she says, "Oh, is it alright if i take your picture?" And he tells her, "No that's fine. But, not like that..." And he starts giving her all this shit about the way she's got the camera setup and asking what she's shooting on and whether she's checked the light and if her film speed was blah blah and everything. And so it turns out he's a photo journalist that lost his house because his wife died and he couldn't pay the rent which sent his credit to hell. Then, the girl got scared and just sorta left.

And he says "What's sad is that she probably doesn't realize that the moment there, where two people realize they have something in common, is actually more beautiful than any of those boring old shots of homeless people that everyone takes."

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