Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Photography, Radial Digital

Oh boy... I've done a ton of stuff since my last post... (!!click to see full size!!).
Um... first I did some photography on a beautiful morning when the sky turned red:

I took about 20 photos and filled up my stock for digital stuff quite nicely. I also took some photos the next night when the sky became incredibly foggy and got this as a result:

Before getting around to creating the awesome digital collages that were to be created from these photos and also got around to doing some mixed media (acrylic, paper bag, and sepia india ink):

Also a humorous mini installation entitled "It's a Trap"... this is the fourth photo from the series:

And finally the digital collages from the photographs (along with their full rez detail shots):

The actual full sizes for all of these have dimensions in the upper 40s and 50s of inches! Massive overwhelming images of light and color!

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