Friday, August 22, 2008

Self Portrait XI

Fauve + Francesco Clementeish =

"Self Portrait XI", Digital Painting, 2008

NYC Photo

Was looking through my NYC photos and found these two which I thought would look really interesting cropped and juxtaposed like so (right click view image for full size):

"Hotel Room: A Study in Light and Wallpaper", Photography, 2008

Painting is one day from finished. Will have photos up soon. Currently digging and checking out the work of Umberto Boccioni and Alberto Burri.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

National Geographic Picture

I've been working on a new painting for the last week or so. The progress has been excellent. Although the last session sorta ruined my recent good mood with the piece's morose mood. Been listening to David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust album and am highly impressed.

Here is a National Geographic photo of the day by my favorite nature photographer:

Joel Sartore "Snarling Wolf, Ely Minnesota", 1998

Although it was taken with a remote controlled camera, I find it highly well composed. Carcass's blood, organs, fur, and bones nearly become an amazing sort of abstract landscape with the wolf's head perfectly balancing the composition.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Being Quite Productive Lately...

Went back in and actually made my latest portrait into how I intended it to be:

"Self Portrait X: Tissue"
Then I worked with some old stock photos I had of a particularly interesting basement as well as a photo I took while flying to NY:

"Flight Deck"
Then I took some inspiration from those medical diagrams you always see and made a "dark" version. Nice way to flex my design skills but still use some painterly elements, feels strongly like an illustration:

Right click view image any of these for full resolutions.

Lately I've been listening to some pretty great music too. Couple of live shows of Sonorous, a post rock/indie/ambient band from right here in fort wayne. Also downloaded a free amazing indie concept album by the very talented Dan Warren called The Scientist. Go download it now!